2011年5月17日 星期二

Comment on UPDATE: Trump Won't Run; Decision Follows NBC's Contingency Plan To Recast Donald On 'Apprentice' by JimRose

America has lost not only a great leader but a leader who could be the funniest ever for our stand up comics and who does stand up himself about his self. Mt. Rushmore might have had another great face up there, and think of the possibilites in terms of the hair thing. Lady Liberty will shed dears as this sinks in. Thank God for NBC and the continuing brilliance of “Celebrity Apprentice.” Though I thought Brokaw could have fired people with great authority.

Source: http://www.deadline.com/2011/05/nbcs-contingency-plans-in-case-of-nfl-strike-trump-presidential-run-reality-on-sunday-recasting-donald-on-apprentice/

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